

Happy Birthday Rishabh !!! Hey Mr. Owl, Happy Birthday! 20 huh? You still look like a kid though!(Absolutely no offence) On your extremely rare day which occurs once a year, I wish you good luck. I hope this special day fills your heart with satisfaction, some sense of "where the fuck am I" and yeah most importantly understanding. I wish you achieve happiness and be a responsible and a good human being. May you have the smile of immense pleasure of satisfaction on your achievements be it in your life or career. Now dont think what the fuck this girl has written :) "You know what, you are awesome, amazing and so great". Expect people to say such lines and wish you today on your special day. Boy, dont get flattened! You are just a perfect parellogram and share the habits of an cute owl and also maybe those babas found in melas or ..(you know what I mean) #stoned. I believe you are just finding out temporary happiness and trying out things which you thi